Can I Export Emails From Rewards Users?

You can export your User data through the Action tab for a specific campaign, or through the User tab for site-wide data.

There are a few ways to export emails from your Rewards users:

  • Through the Entry data from a specific campaign
  • Through the User data from your site

This is a list of user entries for a particular Reward, which includes details about the user, what actions they completed, user-generated responses (such as phone number, address, or testimonial) & opt-in consents.

To export, go to the Actions tab in your Rewards campaign summary and click on Export on the top right corner.

This is a consolidated list of Users which includes everyone that has ever entered a campaign on your Site. It will include details about the user, their action history and all the social media handles they have used to login to Gleam.

To export, go to the Users tab from the Gleam sidebar and click on Export Users on the top right corner.


You can filter Users by campaign using the dropdown field above the users table.

See Next Article

Can I Export My Rewards Data?

Your campaign data is stored separately based on context. All of the exports are in CSV format.