How To Get More Facebook Likes With Gleam

Learn how Gleam can help you get more likes on Facebook with this simple guide.

If you want users to like your Facebook page then you first need them to visit your Facebook page - and there's no better way to encourage this than by running a contest or giveaway.

Contests give you the power to drive growth by incentivising the actions that matter to you. This includes getting users to visit your Facebook page and much, much more.

Facebook no longer allows page likes as an entry method, but once users have completed the Visit Page action you can ask them to like your page as an extra show of support.

Liking is a completely optional step & cannot be made mandatory for the action to be completed, but as long as you're offering high-value content you should have no trouble reeling in the likes.

Visit on Facebook action for Gleam Competitions

Another great way to use contests is as a tool to promote your Facebook content.

By using the View Post action you can allow users to enter your contest by viewing a particular post on Facebook. This is an outstanding way to draw attention to your high-value content and promote your Facebook page to many users.

To put it simply, if you really want users to like your page then you need them to actually like your page. Putting your best content on full display is the most effective way to do this, so don't forget to add the Visit Post action to your contest to drive some serious growth.

When a user enters one of your competitions we need to know who they are and collect some basic details. This allows you to contact them if they win (and with consent, the ability to market to them post-contest).

We capture these details with a simple popup form which appears after a user completes their first action.

User Details form for Gleam Competitions widget with Facebook Like option

As well as capturing basic information, you can also use this form to grow your Facebook presence by allowing users to like your page from inside the form. All you need to do is enter your Facebook URL when you set up your Competition's User Details form.

Enter your Facebook Page URL in the User Details setup

This prompt alone can generate likes from up to 13.5% of users, so if you're looking for extra ways to grow your Facebook page then you shouldn't neglect this feature.

Gleam Competitions come equipped with a nifty little feature which allows you to redirect users to a specified URL once they have completed all the actions in your contest.

Redirect users to your Facebook Page after they enter your campaign

You can use Post Entry Redirect to send contest entrants right to your Facebook page. This will encourage them to check out your content and like your page.

The more engaging content you are able to expose users to the more inclined they will be to like your page - so try using this tactic alongside the View Post entry action to maximise your chances of generating likes.

If users are visiting your website from your Facebook page you can be fairly confident that they have some level of interest in you. Despite their interest, many of these users may have neglected to actually like your page - so it's a good idea to give them a nudge in the right direction.

Ask for Facebook Likes using Gleam Capture

Gleam Capture allows you to send perfectly targeted messages to users visiting your website from Facebook and ask them to like your page - which is an outstanding way to grow your Facebook audience and prevent potential fans from slipping through the cracks.


Stuart McKeown

Stuart McKeown is one of the Co-founders at Gleam. Aside from writing and helping businesses grow, he also enjoys sound design and drinking tea ☕️