Create Content Upgrades or Lead Magnets Easily

Learn how to create Lead Magnets into your content to incentivize opt-ins for your newsletter.

There’s a lot of tools out there that offer various ways to help you incentivize Content Upgrades on your site. They also go by many names including Lead Magnets, Content Bonuses or Content Bribes.

Whatever you decide to call them, there’s absolutely no question that they work extremely well at converting readers to your email lists. In some cases we’ve seen opt-in rates increase by 500% alone from a single content upgrade.

The idea behind content upgrades are extremely simple. When someone is browsing or reading one of your articles you provide them an in-stream advert which offer them additional bonuses for opting into your lists.

Here’s an example:

Notice how when you click the Download button we present you with an opt-in form to redeem your incentive? Well that’s exactly how the Content Upgrades work.

Once someone fills out their details you can do a bunch of things:

  • Redirect them to a thank-you page with the download
  • Send them directly to the PDF upgrade
  • Sync their email with over 30+ email providers and send your content from there

Implementing these Content Upgrades are extremely easy with Gleam Capture. You can create from scratch or even use an existing opt-in form.

Nolah Mattress Content Upgrade Demo

Once you’ve created your desired opt-in form (like the Popup With Image + Text Above), simply navigate to your Behavioural Rules.

You can then add a Triggers > Manual rule to that opt-in.

Content Upgrade Trigger

This rule will generate you some HTML which you can use to manually trigger the opt-in form.

For example the code to trigger the opt-in form in the example above is as follows:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="_app.popup('3ZTmR')">Show popup</a>

Which I have just included in my own HTML to create the styling for the box on the page:

<div class="o-cta">
  <div class="o-cta__image" style="background-image: url('')"></div>
  <div class="o-cta__info">
    <h3>Download Our Viral Contest Guide</h3>
    <p>Lead Magnets and Content Upgrades aren’t the only way to increase your opt-ins. We use Viral Contests to drive 5k+ leads a month, see exactly how we do it in this exclusive guide.</p>
    <a class="o-cta__link o-link o-link--next u-pull-right" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="_app.popup('D9qaf')">Download This Guide</a>

And there you have it, I was able to create my own Content Upgrade (or Lead Magnet) out of an existing Capture and implement it on my blog in seconds.


Keep On Growing ☺


Stuart McKeown

Stuart McKeown is one of the Co-founders at Gleam. Aside from writing and helping businesses grow, he also enjoys sound design and drinking tea ☕️