How Do I Import From Facebook?

Use our import actions to automatically import entries from Facebook Comments or Posts to your Facebook Page.

If you're running a timeline contest on Facebook, you can import the comments or posts made on Facebook into Gleam to draw a winner.

Once the entries are imported into Gleam, the Facebook user will be awarded with entries the same way as a user who enters through the Competitions widget.

To add Import actions to your Competitions campaign:

  1. Go to the How to enter tab and scroll down to Automatically import from external source
  2. Click on Facebook and select your preferred source
  3. Connect your Facebook account
  4. Choose a filter type to refine the types of comments you wish to import
  5. Enter the Facebook Post URL with the timeline contest
  6. Enter some filter keywords or hashtags to refine entries (optional)

To maintain the quality of your entries, you can enforce users to post a combination of hashtags or keywords as an identifier to enter your contest.

For example, #DunkToWin #TimelineContest2020 #Gleamapp

See Next Article

Can I Add Gleam To My ClickFunnels Landing Page?

You can install your Gleam widget on a ClickFunnels landing page by embedding the widget code into a Custom HTML element on ClickFunnels.