Can I Review the Winner Before Finalising the Draw?

You can review your winners before finalising the draw. Winners will not be able to see that they've won unless you contact them, or announce them in your widget.

Yes, you can review the winners before you finalise your campaign. Winners will not be able to see that they have won unless you contact them, or if you clicked on the Announce winners in widget button.

Once a winner is drawn, you will see their winning entry listed under the Winners tab. To check that their other entries are also valid, click on the User icon underneath their email address:

Click on the 'user' icon under the user's email

This will bring up a list of all their entries:

Winner's entries

If everything looks good, then you can go ahead and announce the winners and start prize fulfillment.

If you need to invalidate entries for reasons like the entrant has unsubscribed, unfollowed, or a link they shared is no longer working, then you can click on the Status dropdown and select Invalidate. This allows you to exclude their entries when you start a new winner draw.

Can I Re-Pick Winners For My Campaign?

If your randomly drawn winner doesn't meet your campaign's criteria, you can choose to re-pick a new winner.

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What are the Options for Choosing Winners in Competitions?

To pick a winner for your campaign, you can either draw winners randomly for chance-based campaigns, or manually for skill-based campaigns.