I Can't Complete Twitter / X Actions?

If you're having issues claiming entries for Twitter / X actions, chances are your Twitter / X account has not been authorised for Gleam to perform actions on your behalf.

This could happen if:

  • Your Twitter / X handle has changed, so your linked account on Gleam is no longer the same (you can change this under the Edit tab)

  • You skipped the Twitter / X authorization page (it looks like this)

  • Your browser pop-up blocker is enabled

    How Do I Unlink Social Media Accounts?

    To unlink a social media account linked to your Gleam contestant account, click on Edit from the widget.

    Open Full Page
    How Do I Link to Twitter / X?

    Click on Connect Your Twitter / X Account from any Twitter / X action in the Gleam widget.

    Open Full Page
    What Should I Do If My Login Has Expired?

    Usually this means we cannot connect to your social network account anymore, so you need to reconnect them through the widget.

    Open Full Page

See Next Article

Must I Pay to Enter a Campaign?

Not all entry methods require a payment to enter. If you reside in a country where No Purchase Necessary laws are enforced, you can claim a free entry alternative.