Does Gleam Automatically Notify Winners?

Gleam does not automatically notify winners on behalf of the campaign host or sponsor.


Gleam does not automatically notify winners on behalf of the campaign host or sponsor.

Once a campaign has ended, the campaign host has the responsibility to draw, announce and contact winners on their own accord.

My Competition Has Finished, What Happens Next?

You'll need to perform the winner draws, contact the winners, and fulfill prizes. You may also want to debrief non-winners and start a 'Better Luck Next Time!' campaign.

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My Competition Has Ended, When Do I Send Prizes?

To avoid unintended disruptions from our service, you should ship out prizes as soon as you have a shipping address.

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How Do I Recover an Existing Contestant Account?

If you lost access to a linked social network account, you can recover your Gleam contestant account through email verification.