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Promote SoundCloud Track

Encourage users to listen, like and share your tracks on SoundCloud with this powerful promotional giveaway.

Why SoundCloud?

SoundCloud is the platform that connects listeners to independent musicians. Boasting 175 million unique monthly listeners, this is the perfect place for musicians to promote their music and get their career off the ground.

To make the SoundCloud platform work for you, you need to garner as many likes, shares, plays & reposts from listeners as possible.

Promote Your Tracks on SoundCloud

You've got your awesome new tracks up on SoundCloud, but how do you promote your new music and find new listeners?

With this easy, powerful template you can give away a prize your fans will love and give people the chance to win when they listen, like and repost your songs and follow you on SoundCloud.

This is the perfect way to build hype around your music, get potential new fans to check out your tracks and leverage your exisiting fanbase by getting them to like and repost and your songs which is an amazing way to build exposure and organically promote your tracks.



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Promote SoundCloud Track

Promote SoundCloud Track

Encourage users to listen, like and share your tracks on SoundCloud with this powerful promotional giveaway.

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