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Partner With Sponsors

Partner up with sponsors to create awesome prize packs and drive impactful actions.

Creators and sponsors can use this easy template to run giveaways that give creators attention-grabbing content and help sponsors reach a relevant new audience.

With this ready-to-go effective giveaway template sponsors can offer up a prize pool for the giveaway which is promoted by the creator. Users can then enter by completing actions that will benefit both creator and sponsor such as email signups, social media engagement, content views and more!

The sponsor will be able to leverage the creators engaged audience to build hype, generate fresh leads and connect with potential new customers. The creator can use the giveaway to create eye-catching content, engage their audience and drive meaningful actions.

It's a win-win situation!


This campaign is most effective when sponsors team up with creators who focus on topics relevant to the brand and its products.



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Partner With Sponsors

Partner With Sponsors

Partner up with sponsors to create awesome prize packs and drive impactful actions.

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