Drawing Random Winners

Gleam gives you full flexibility on how you choose winners for your competition. We base our winners around the number of prizes that you have allocated, so if you want to draw 10 winners please ensure you have 10 prizes against the competition you are drawing.

When your competition finishes you will get a notification from Gleam asking you to choose your winners.

Campaign Ended Notification email for Gleam Competitions

You can find ended competitions in the Finished tab of your site:

Finished tab on the Gleam Competitions dashboard
  • Red shows Competitions that have not had winners drawn yet
  • Blue shows Competitions that have had winners drawn but not announced publicly
  • Green shows Competitions that have had winners drawn and announced publicly on the widget

If you go to your competition then the Winners tab you will have the option to start drawing winners.

Winners tab on the Gleam Competitions dashboard

You must ensure that you are drawing Winners for your campaigns in accordance with our Terms of Service, failure to do so can result in an account review or suspension.

When you select Draw Winners you simply have to decide the number of winners you want to draw (this cannot exceed the number of winners set for your campaign), specify if you want to restrict entries by date, and select Draw.

Configure a random winner draw for Gleam Competitions

You will then be presented with the winning entry or entries, ready for you to announce and contact.

Winners tab with all winners drawn for a Gleam Competitions campaign

If your Competition contains multiple prizes, you have the option to draw winners for 'All Prizes', or draw winners based on a specific prize.

Configure the random winner draw for multiple winners on Gleam Competitions

If you choose to draw winners for 'All Prizes', the 1st winner drawn will be allocated the 1st prize in your list, the 2nd drawn will be allocated to the 2nd prize in your list, etc.

If you want to draw winners for a specific prize only, you need to select the prize from the dropdown list and choose how many winners you want to draw for that prize. This number cannot exceed the remaining number of winners for your selected prize.

Pick a prize to draw winners for in Gleam Competitions

Once you have drawn your winners you will be presented with the winning entries, ready for you to announce and contact.

Winners tab with remaining winners to be drawn in Gleam Competitions

If you would like to change the prize allocated to any winner for any valid reason you can do so from each winner's Prize status:

Change the status of a winner in Gleam Competitions

To draw multiple winners, all you need to do is specify the number of winners you want to pick under Winners to Draw.

Pick number of winners to draw in Gleam Competitions

You will then be presented with the winning entries.

A list of winners are drawn in Gleam Competitions

When you draw multiple winners, each winning entry will be numbered from 1 to the total number of winners that have been picked.

For example, if you draw 4 winners, the winning entries will be numbered from 1-4.

This makes it easy to handle major and minor prizes or rank winning entries from 1st to nth place.

Winners are also assigned to a specific action that they have completed, you will see this when you announce winners in the widget.


Please note Gleam does not automatically contact the winners of your competitions.

See Next Article

How Does the Random Draw Work

Gleam automatically uses Random.org to draw winners, they offer true randomness. Here's an excerpt from Random.org explaining how it works: