Showcase Your E-Commerce Community With Carousels

Find out how you can show off photos from your community with stylish carousels.

Converting visitors into customers is one of the most important aspects of running a successful e-commerce business. Taking a curious visitor and building enough interest and trust to get them to commit to a purchase can be a challenging undertaking, but there are a number of awesome strategies you can put in place to maximise your conversion rate.

Photos of satisfied customers essentially serve as testimonials, and generating and displaying them on your website is a brilliant way to engage visitors, build trust, promote your offering in an authentic and relatable way and ultimately drive visitors towards conversion.

Learn How to Generate Awesome Community Photos

Leverage your social media presence to generate valuable hashtagged community photos to display in your e-commerce store.

One of the best ways to put your community on full display from inside your store is to create a stylish, customisable Carousel of hashtagged community photos with Gleam's Gallery app and embed it anywhere on your website.

Have a play around with this example we put together to get an idea what your own Carousel could look like:

When you create your community carousel all you have to do is encourage your community to share photos of themselves with your products on social media using your hashtag and your Gleam Gallery will automatically import the photos for you to showcase on your site.

And don't worry, you can easily curate your Gallery so only the best pics are on display.

  view template

You can even use a Carousel to show off your own Instagram feed from inside your website if you just want to show off your own awesomely engaging photos.

Sourcing photos from Instagram through #hashtags and @mentions is usually the best approach to take due to the visual nature of the platform, but you can also use Twitter if that's where your base is most active.

A great way to implement a community hashtag carousel is displaying it on your homepage or another landing page. You won't necessarily want it to be the first thing visitors see, but showing off your vibrant community to visitors exploring the page is an outstanding way to boost engagement and trust in interested users and nudge them one step closer to purchase.

Add Gleam Carousel Galleries to your website

This is far from the only way you can utilise community carousels. Here are some more ideas for how you can implement carousel galleries in your store:

  • Use product-specific carousels to add social proof to product pages.
  • Make a carousel the centrepiece of a testimonial or success story page.
  • Embed community carousels in your blog posts.
  • Show off relevant photos from your own Instagram feed to boost your social presence or drive engagement on your homepage, product pages, or anywhere else.

Whatever implementation you choose, community carousels are always an incredibly easy and highly effective way to leverage your online community to built further engagement and trust in potential customers and drive purchases.

Gleam makes building your own Carousel Gallery incredibly easy.

All you need to do is choose some basic setup options (such as enabling moderation) and then you can choose your import sources:

Import options for Gleam Carousel Galleries

Turn Carousel Mode on in the Content tab:

Turn on Carousel Mode in Gleam Galleries

And then get to work customising your gallery's styling so you can get it looking exactly how you want.

This includes choosing colours and header options which you can use to explain the community feed and let visitors know how they can submit their own photos. You can even link off to your Instagram and other social media profiles.

Once you've created and customised your gallery you'll be ready to display it on your website. All you need to do is navigate to the Install tab of your Gallery and choose your install options. You'll then be presented with two embed codes. The first goes into your page ideally right after the opening <body> tag. The second goes into your site exactly where you want to embed the Carousel.

Install Gleam Carousel Gallery
Create Your Own Carousel

Create your own community Carousels and start showcasing your customers, boosting engagement and encouraging conversions.


Ahron Burstin

Ahron is a Growth Marketer at Gleam. Shoot him a Tweet if you got something out of this post ☺