Using Your Email Signature to Drive Signups & Sales

A simple way to drive more awareness to your product every time you send someone an email.

If you’re like me and send over 50+ emails every day then you’re missing out on valuable marketing space by not including a call to action in your signature.

This hack is simple:

  • Write a guide that shows people cool ways they can use your product or service. Here’s mine.
  • Shorten the link via and add Google Analytics tracking parameters to it

Once we shorten this it becomes:
  • Insert the link into your email signature with a solid call to action.
  • You can test which call to action works best by changing the campaign in your Analytics tracking to match what you’re testing.
Email Signature Analytics

Here’s what mine looks like currently:

Growth Email

This now means that every single person I email has a chance to see 50 awesome things that my product is capable of. They might not be a customer and try us out, or they might already be a customer and now they have a bunch of new awesome stuff to try (which adds value).

Enjoy this tip? Now you need to learn how to drive more sales from email marketing


Keep On Growing 🙂


Stuart McKeown

Stuart McKeown is one of the Co-founders at Gleam. Aside from writing and helping businesses grow, he also enjoys sound design and drinking tea ☕️