SoundCloud Download Gate: Grow Your SoundCloud Followers

Learn how to quickly build a gated download widget for SoundCloud to grow your followers.

It can be hard to cut through the noise of SoundCloud, especially as a new or upcoming artist. You do however have one thing at your disposal and that’s your music.

In this guide we’re going to look at a simple way you can use Gleam to create a viral loop in which a user gets a free download of your music whilst also promoting it at the same time.

The idea behind a Gleam Reward is simple. You provide an incentive and then you gate it behind a number of actions that the user must complete before the incentive is unlocked.

For SoundCloud we’re going to use a free track as the incentive, and we’re going to get the user to complete a number of SoundCloud related actions to unlock (Follow / Repost).

Here’s an example:

In this example we’re asking users first to Login with SoundCloud, once they do this it means any other SoundCloud actions we have in the campaign are completed in 1 click. Plus it also means we’re keeping our target audience to only SoundCloud members.

Inside your Gleam account choose Rewards in the left navigation, then choose the SoundCloud Download example at the bottom and Copy it.

What you will need:

  • Links to your SoundCloud profile
  • Links to the song you want to promote
  • Image for Reward (1080px wide, however tall you want)
  • Dropbox link or equivalent link of the final downloaded file

Once you copy you’ll need to do the following:

Give the campaign a Name and an End date (it’ll either end on that date on when the max number of downloads has been reached)

On How to Redeem you’ll need to replace the accounts you want users to Follow, you can add more Actions to complete it if you wish.

Setting up a SoundCloud Download Gate With Gleam Rewards

On the Reward tab you can give add details about what users are downloading, add a description, an image then add the Download link along with the total number of max downloads available.

Adding Your Exclusiove Track to a Gleam Rewards Campaign

You can now save the campaign and grab the URL to promote it:

You can also embed the campaign on your own website or landing page:

Once you have the campaign all ready to go you’ll need to edit your track on SoundCloud to include it.

From my experience it also is worth editing the title of your track to include the words Free Download too.

Then simply edit your Track description to include a link to download it:

Soda Klop Massive Attack on Soundcloud

And there you have it, I was able to create my own automated Reward that gives out free copies of two of my tracks (in exchange for SoundCloud actions) in under 10 minutes.

Enjoy this? Check out our in-depth guide on how to grow as an artist on Soundcloud


Keep On Growing ☺


Stuart McKeown

Stuart McKeown is one of the Co-founders at Gleam. Aside from writing and helping businesses grow, he also enjoys sound design and drinking tea ☕️