A/B Testing

How do you know which template or combination or rules works best for a given scenario? You can use your gut to make the best decision - but often it's better to test a bunch of hypothesis and see what works best.

Gleam capture showing A/B testing

Our A/B Testing feature allows you to create variations of your control Capture and assign them a weighting to have a shot at beating the Original.

You can then promote the best performing version as the main Capture to take over exclusively.

To setup an A/B Test just click the cog icon to the right of any active Capture that you wish to test and choose Create A/B Test.

Gleam interface showing setting up A/B test

You can then setup the specifics of your test:

Gleam interface showing setting up A/B test specifics
  • Give it a Name
  • Add your Variants
  • Assign the % of traffic each Variant will receive

Once created your Test will show in the A/B Testing tab, allowing you to see at a glance the performance overall and the individual performance of each Variant.

Gleam interface showing A/B testing tab performance
  • Impressions: How many impressions the A/B Test has received
  • Conversions: How many conversions the A/B Test has driven
  • Conversion Rate: The % of impressions that have resulted in a conversion
  • Change: The % increase or decrease of the Variations
  • Significance: The statistical significance of the test (closer to 100% is a higher confidence)

The Reporting tab will give you a visual breakdown of the performance of the A/B test over a specific time period:

Gleam interface showing A/B testing reporting tab graph

You can filter this report by:

  • Impressions
  • Conversions
  • Conversion Rate

See Next Article

Custom HTML/CSS Captures

This feature gives you complete control over the HTML of your Capture, craft your perfect template and deploy it using our technology and advanced ruleset. You can also add additional fields, checkboxes or custom close elements.