
Visitor behavioural rules allow you to display Gleam Captures based on how often a visitor has interacted with your website.

Gleam interface showing capture new visitor rule

The New Visitor rule will only popup Captures to users that haven't visited your site before. Do not combine this rule with Returning or it will not work.

Gleam interface showing capture returning visitor rule

The Returning visitor rule will only popup Captures to users that have visited your site before. Do not combine this rule with New or it will not work.

Gleam interface showing capture time on site rule

Use this rule to show a Capture after a user has spent a certain amount of time on your site.

Gleam interface showing capture time on page rule

Use this rule to show a Capture after a user has spent a certain amount of time on your page.

Gleam interface showing capture page views rule

Use this rule to show a Capture after a user has viewed a certain number of pages on your site.

Gleam interface showing capture visited x times rule

Use this rule to show to users who have previously viewed x pages on your site.

Gleam interface showing capture idle time rule

Use this rule to show to users who have idled for x seconds on your site.

See Next Article


Geo-Location behavioural rules allow you to display Gleam Captures based on the visitor's geographical location or browser language.