Viral Share

The Viral Share report shows a more specific breakdown of how well the Viral Share Action is performing and also show you who your most prolific sharers are.

Gleam interface showing viral share tab
  • Viral Share Clicks: This shows how much traffic Viral Sharers have sent to your campaign by sharing via the various sources you've configured during campaign setup
  • Successful Viral Sharers: How many Users have entered the campaigns as a direct result of a Viral Share
  • Viral Conv. Rate: The Conversion Rate of Clicks to Users (if this is low then it's an indication that the audience isn't resonating with the shares)

You can also limit the number of maximum Viral Shares inside the campaign which can skew this reporting, daily actions may also do the same.

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Top Users

If you need to see a breakdown of which users have the most entries then you can use this tab, this can be useful if you're running a campaign that requires you to know who the top users are to award prizes.