Competitions Live Draw

Competitions Live Draws allow you to pick winners from an active Gleam Competition using our public-facing Quick Draw interface.

Quick Draw interface with background from Unsplash

Just select the Competition that you would like to draw winners for, just bear in mind that only active Competitions will appear in this list.

Multiple Competitions Draws allow you to pick winners from multiple Gleam Competitions. Entrants from all of your chosen campaigns will be grouped together and winners will be randomly picked from the total pool of entrants.

This is useful if you want to pick bonus winners from all of your active Competitions.

There are a few requirements for what Competitions you can draw winners from:

  • Competitions must belong to the same Gleam account
  • Competitions must be currently active

If you are running a multilingual, regional or international campaign, you can combine multiple Competition campaigns and draw winners from the total pool of entrants.

To draw winners, all you need to do is select the campaigns you want to draw from:

Campaign sources from Gleam Competitions listed in Quick Draws interface

Enter the number of winners you wish to draw, then click on Draw Winners.