Import Entries From CSV Files

Business users have the ability to import actions into their campaigns from CSV files if they have collected entries offline.

You can import actions into Competitions or Rewards campaigns by clicking the Import button in the upper-right corner of the Entries/Actions tab of your campaign.

Gleam interface showing entries/actions tab of campaign with import button

You will then be able to:

  • Select which Action in your campaign you want to apply the imports to.
  • Download a CSV template you can use to upload your offline entries.
  • Import entries into your campaign from your CSV file.
Gleam interface showing import actions

When importing entries from a CSV file you have the option of applying your offline entries to a specific action in your campaign using the dropdown list under Action.

Gleam interface showing import actions dropdown list

Your imported entries will then be counted under the selected action in your campaign's reporting.

If you leave your selection as Default the entries you import will be recorded as CSV Import actions.

Gleam interface showing import actions reporting

To help you import offline entries into your campaign we will provide you with a CSV template for you to download, use and import.

Different CSV templates are available to download based on your Action selection as certain actions require additional data that is not necessary for Default imports.

Download CSV import template: import template.csv

Default CSV imports will require you to provide the following data for every entrant:

  • The Full Name of each entrant.

  • The Email Address of each entrant.

  • How many entries each action is Worth. This will take priority over the default number of entries set for the Action.

Table showing entrants name, email and worth

This data is also required when you are matching your CSV imports to a specific Action, but many Actions will also require you to complete an additional Details column to provide action-specific information such as additional user details or answers to questions.

Table showing entrants name, email, worth and details

Gleam will import only the columns in the CSV that match a known field (e.g. full name, email, worth) or a name of an existing custom field. If you would like to force a column to be imported in to the user Details, add a prefix of Import: to the column name.

Table showing entrants with name, email, worth, and User ID with a prefix of Import: to force the field to be imported in to Gleam

Once you have completed your CSV import template you simply need to save the file, select Choose file under CSV Data, select your template and click Import.

Your offline entries will then be imported into your campaign and you will be presented with your Import Results and any Issues Encountered.

Gleam interface showing import results and issues encountered

See Next Article

Custom Action Tracking

Business users have the ability to verify the completion of Custom Actions via a Javascript API tracking script. This allows you to build your own actions and fire the tracking when the user has completed them.