Branding Options

This documentation covers the different branding options available for a Gleam Site. On higher plans, you'll be able to customise your Gleam campaigns more fully.

Customise branding options in Site Settings

When you add a new site you have the following options:

  • Site Name: The name of your site (i.e. Amazon).
  • Site URL: The URL of your site (i.e.
  • Reply-to Address: If you add this we will allow users to respond directly to you on any emails we send.
  • Logo: This logo is used in branded emails & also the hosted landing pages. It is best to use a transparent PNG.
  • Email Header Color: If you add a logo you'll need to change the color of your email header to suit, this will also set the default color of your landing page backgrounds.
  • Custom CSS: On the Business plan you have the ability to add global styles to the widget here. This will be reflected in any campaign you create.

Gleam has default branding on the Free plan that cannot be changed, upgrading to Pro will allow you to add your own branding then further upgrading to Business will allow you to completely remove any references to Gleam in your Captures, emails or widget.

By default all your campaigns will contain Gleam branding inside the widget, on landing pages, in Facebook & also in the emails we send to users.

Free Branding for Gleam campaigns

Hobby users can add Feature images to their campaign and also configure background colors or images, but the Gleam branding remains in the header and footer.

Hobby Branding for Gleam campaigns

Upgrading to Pro will allow you to control the branding on your landing pages and emails. Users will still see the Powered By Gleam branding in the footer of the widget.

Pro branding for Gleam campaigns

Captures and Gallery also contain subtle Gleam footer branding on Pro plans:

Business Plan users have the ability to remove Gleam branding from the widget & emails (except social logins). This will happen automatically when you upgrade.

Business Branding for Gleam Galleries
Capture with Gleam branding in the footer
Gallery with Gleam branding in the footer

See Next Article

Site Integrations

This documentation covers how you can configure a third-party integration for your Gleam Site.