Will I Lose Features if I Cancel My Plan?

When you cancel or downgrade your plan you will have access to the feature's you've paid for until you plan expires.

If you cancel your plan you will continue to have access to the features you've paid for until your plan's expiry date.


If you have a campaign using paid features that ends after your plan lapses, then you will receive a notification that your campaign will also end when your plan does.

If you want to keep your campaign running, you can remove any paid features from the campaign before the plan lapses. You will receive an email notification for which paid features you need to remove.

What Happens to My Data If I End My Competitions Subscription?

We do not remove any of your data unless you explicitly request to have your account deleted.

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Is There a Minimum Commitment Period?

There are no contracts or lock-ins for any of our plans. You are free to upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time.