Can I Import Media From Hashtags?

With Gleam you can automatically import content into your Competitions and Galleries from Instagram hashtags. This is perfect for running photo contests and hashtag campaigns directly from Imstagram.

Yes, you can! Our Import actions allow you to automatically receive submissions from an entrant's social media account. There is no need for entrants to submit their image/video entries through the Competitions widget.

This use case is perfect for running photo contests directly on social media. The entrant will post their submission on their own social media account, along with your specified #hashtags.

If you want to run a multi-channel campaign, you can even consolidate all your submissions by combining multiple Import actions.

Hashtag imports are available for the following platforms:

To start importing entries from social media, go to the How to enter tab on your Competitions campaign setup. Under Automatically import from external source, select the social media channel that you would like to import from.


If you're importing entries from Instagram, you will need to connect your Instagram Business account before proceeding.

Enter the #hashtags you require for entrants to join your campaign.


We recommend adding a combination of #hashtags and setting the filter to 'Require all' to improve the quality of imported entries.


You can combine Import actions with other entry methods we offer. This will allow entrants to perform more actions through your Competitions widget such as subscribe to your newsletter or visit your website.

See Next Article

Can Users Like a Facebook Page To Enter a Competition?

Likes cannot be incentivised based on Facebook's Platform Policy, but there are still plenty of ways to grow your Facebook Page organically.