How Can I Promote My Rewards Campaign?

Take advantage of all your available social media channels, plus tap into your existing mailing list to help generate as many actions as possible in your Rewards campaign.

Here are some of our top tips for promoting your Rewards campaign and generating as many actions as possible:

No one is more likely to enthusiastically participate in your campaign and pass it onto their friends than your existing email subscribers.

These users have already proven that they're interested in your brand, so they should be the first to know that you're giving away awesome rewards.

Promotional email from Koala for their Koalaween Sale

It can sometimes be tempting to ignore your existing users in favour of trying to pull in a new audience, but when you're looking to grow a business both are equally important. Previous customers and dedicated followers and more likely than anyone to covert and share your campaign around, so make sure they're in the loop.

Any time you run a Rewards campaign you need to make sure you're frequently sharing it across all of your social channels.

Not only is this a great way to connect with your existing audience, but it's also a highly effective tactic for reaching highly targeted new users as your followers expand your post's reach through likes, comments, shares, retweets and more.

If someone visits your website you can be very confident that they would be interested in entering your campaign and quickly snagging a good deal, so make sure they know about it.

Embed your Rewards campaign on your website and make sure it's easy to find.

You can try:

  • Adding a Rewards or Discounts tab to your navigation menu.
  • Build a popup or notification bar that announces your Reward.
  • Run your Rewards campaign in a popup tab that can be triggered from any page on your website.
Gleam Rewards tab being opened in Teami Blend's website

Most of the same tips and strategies that are used to effectively promote contests and giveaways also apply to Rewards campaigns, so for more awesome ideas on getting your Reward in front of more people and driving entries check out our helpful Contest Promotion Guide.