Drive More Actions With Tiered Coupons

Encourage your customers to drive more actions using Gleam's tiered coupon scheme.

If you're an online retailer then you're well aware of the power of distributing coupons to your customers and subscribers, whether they are incentivised or not.

To take your coupon campaigns a step further, we're going to introduce you to Gleam's new Coupon feature which can be used in both Competitions & Rewards.

One way of using Coupon is by creating tiered coupons which allows users to complete actions to earn increasingly valuable incentives. This is a highly effective tactic to engage with customers/subscribers, plus it's a much more interactive way to engage with visitors while rewarding the both of you.

Here's a demo:

Notice how the coupons are locked until you perform the actions above it.

One way of using tiered coupons is by setting up a welcome offer on your homepage, like this:

Offer tiered coupons with Gleam

In this tutorial we're going to teach you how to create tiered coupons as well as provide some ideas on where to use them in your E-commerce business.

Curious how our tiered coupon system works? Coupons are locked intermittently until you complete a specified number of actions. Once you reach a milestone, you get to redeem a coupon.

Here's how the coupon redemption process looks like:

Alternatively, you could continue performing more actions to redeem the final coupon, which is assumed to be of the highest value.

The final coupon will be unlocked and presented like this:

First, you'll want to figure out how much of a discount, as well as how many tiers of coupons you would like to offer to your customers or subscribers.

For this example, we're going to keep it simple and set up a 2-tier coupon system:

  1. Visitor performs some 'light' actions, gets a 10% discount
  2. Visitor continues to perform some slightly more time-consuming actions, gets a 20% discount

Once you have a good idea of the tiers of coupons you'd like to distribute, you can set up the list of actions you would like the visitor to perform in order to redeem your coupons.

Gleam actions in a campaign

Now it's time to nest the coupons in between tiers of actions. For this example, we implement aCoupon for the 10% discount, and then a Bonus action that will unlock the final reward, which is a 20% discount.

The final list of actions, or redeem methods, will look like this:

Setting up tiered coupons with Gleam's coupon actions

To lock the 10% coupon, all you have to do is set the 'Actions Required' parameter to '3', which is the number of actions required before redeeming the first-tier coupon:

Setting up Gleam's coupon actionsTo make some actions optional, you can always reduce the number of actions required on that tier in order to redeem the coupon.

For the final tier, you could write an instruction in the Reward description area stating that the final coupon will be presented to the entrant once they have completed the required number of actions.

A better alternative would be to add a final Bonus action so that your final offer is listed among the redeem methods, resulting in an easier to understand interface.

Once you have the Bonus action implemented, all you have to do is fill in the configurations under 'Reward' tab:

Adding the Reward to your Gleam Rewards campaign

The only thing to note here is that 'Actions required to unlock Coupon' is '6' instead of '7'. This is because the Coupon is not considered as an action.

From the widget, clicking on the last Bonus action will lead visitors to the final coupon. Here is how it will look like to your visitors:

Create Your First Tiered Coupon

For more information, check out our comprehensive documentation on creating tiered rewards and start your first Gleam Rewards coupon campaign.

Everything looking good? We're going to show you how and where you can implement this growth hack:

Using tiered coupons to create welcome offers

With Gleam Rewards, you can introduce tiered coupons to new website visitors so they get to enjoy a discount on their first purchase.

When installed on your homepage, you can implement certain actions to help introduce your brand to visitors, or keep potential customers in the loop by offering the option to subscribe to your mailing list or follow you on social media.

Since it's a welcome offer, you're probably targeting new website visitors, so make sure the actions you implement are not too invasive or context-dependent.

For that reason, we recommend implementing actions that will help introduce your brand and provide context to new visitors. The goal is to make them feel right at home with you, as well as drive awareness to what kind of products or services you provide as well as your latest additions.

Here are some examples, sorted by increasing effort:

  • Subscribe to your mailing list
  • Visit profile on social media platforms
  • Answer some questions about what or who they're shopping for
  • View a video about your product or brand

Another option is to create an exclusive offer for your subscribers only. This can help target a more specific audience so that your campaign is more effective when it comes to achieving your goals - whatever they may be.

Furthermore, you already know subscribers are interested in your brand so they are primed to take action and redeem your coupons. That means the engagement rate is much more effective, as well as a higher chance of those coupons converting into sales and revenue.

Since existing subscribers are more aware of your brand, you can then implement actions that are more context-dependent, such as surveys or quizzes.

If you're wondering how you're going to get subscribers to perform actions from their mailbox, then we've got you covered.

For each Gleam campaign you run with us, you'll get a unique, beautiful hosted landing page for your campaign that you can distribute to entrants, like this:

Create a landing page for your tiered Reward

And don't worry, that's free. You'll get a unique landing page to your campaign with a link that looks a bit like this one:
Learn More About Hosted Landing Pages

Find out everything you need to know about our stylish, customisable hosted landing pages.


Helena Ng

Helena is a Growth Marketer at Gleam. Leave her a nice comment below if you got something out of this post ☺