Install a Tab / Overlay on Your Site

Overlay installation is a fairly unique feature to Gleam, we allow you to let your users load your Competition or Reward from any page by triggering a button.

Your promotion will automatically stop showing once it expires. If you have another promotion queued up the next one will automatically take over from the previous one.

Switch on 'Add a Tab' option in Installation tab

Instead of the basic tabs you can select, you have the ability to add whatever type of tab you want.

Upload a custom image as a tab

You can choose to automatically popup your contest or reward using one of our predefined rules:

Select Behaviour options for your popup

This really opens up the flexibility to show your contest to all your users, users on desktop or mobile, or to automatically pop it up when users are showing signs of leaving your website.

Installing the tab is as simple as including the provided code in the footer of your site below the final body tag.

The tab includes a Hash Trigger function that allows you to send people to any page with that appended.


This automatically loads the competition when the person enters the page with that string.

Trigger your campaign to pop up when a hashtag is entered

You can completely hide the button by adding the following to your site CSS:

<style>#c9-button { display: none !important; }</style>

You can also trigger the overlay manually if you wanted to use your own button or call to action:

<a href="javascript:Gleam.openPopupCampaign();void(0)">Click Button To Enter</a>

See Next Article


Gleam has recently partnered with Shopify to allow a seamless integration with their E-commerce platform. Firstly you will need to visit the Shopify store to install the Gleam app.