Timed Bonus Actions

Use Timed Bonus actions to award extra entries to users who enter your campaign during a specific time period.

Applications that support Bonus Actions:

Timed Bonus actions allow you to create a simple action that gives users bonus entries into your campaign during a specified time period. This is a single click action, which you can choose to lock until users have completed a pre-determined number of other actions first.

When using the Timed Bonus Action you can configure the following options:

  • Title: Give your action a name
  • Entries: Choose how many campaign entries you award to people who complete the action
  • Start & End Date: Choose the date and time your action opens and closes
  • Mandatory: Require entrants to complete this action before unlocking other entry methods
  • Actions Required: Require entrants to complete other actions before unlocking your Timed Bonus
  • Daily Entry: Allow entrants to complete this action again every day
Gleam interface showing admin view for timed bonus actions

Once logged in this is a simple 1 click to complete action, if you have it set to daily the user can return daily & click again to receive their entry.

See Next Article

Tumblr Actions

This documentation covers the actions that we support via Tumblr.