Capture Data

Learn more about the different types of data collected for your Gleam Captures campaign.

Depending on the type of Capture you have set up, you will see the following data being collected as visitors start to interact with your campaign:

  • Email Captures: Leads report
  • Click Captures Actions report
  • Coupon Captures Leads & Claims report

Email Captures are campaigns which prompt the visitor to enter their email address. Your Leads report shows the list of all visitors who completed your Capture form.

Leads Tab on Gleam Capture campaign

Click Captures are campaigns which prompt the visitor to click on a button. This could close the Capture, link to a different page, or trigger another Capture campaign.

Your Actions report shows the list of all visitors who interacted with your Capture form.

Actions Tab on Gleam Capture campaign

Coupon Captures are campaigns which prompt the visitor to claim a coupon code by entering their email address. Your Leads report shows the list of all visitors who completed your Capture form. Your Claims report shows the list of coupon codes being claimed and by whom.

Leads Tab on Gleam Capture campaign
Claims Tab on Gleam Capture campaign