
Behavioural Triggers allow you to display Gleam Captures based on how users are interacting with your website.

Gleam interface showing capture rules with show capture on exit

The On Exit rule allows you to show Captures when a user is indicating that they are about to leave your site.

Gleam capture on website showing user leaving and capture popping up

You can set which devices you want this to show on and also how sensitive it is when detecting the exit.

Gleam interface showing capture rule scrolled % of page

The Scrolled % Of Page rule allows you to only show a specific capture once a user has scrolled down a certain % of the page. Perfect for articles, blog posts or long-form content.

Gleam interface showing capture rule manual trigger

You can hide Captures and just trigger them manually with this rule, the most common use of this is to create content upgrades or ways to reward users for clicking on a specific button or element on your landing page.

You can see it in action if you click the Get our latest posts via email here in this finding customers for your business blog post.

Gleam interface showing capture rule times shown rule

The Times Shown rules allows you to determine how often a Capture gets shown to a user, you can set it per visit or ever.

Gleam interface showing javascript function capture rule
Gleam interface showing capture campaign rule
Gleam interface showing capture gallery rule

The Gallery rule allows you to show Captures when a Gallery appears or when a user votes for an item in a Gallery.

Gleam interface showing capture closed capture rule

This rule allows you to trigger more than 1 Capture of the same type on the same page. Say for example you want to pop up on when someone hits the page, then another when someone is about to exit.

Gleam interface showing capture selector rule

This rule allows you to trigger a Capture when an element defined by selector is present. All you need to do is enter a CSS Selector and choose if you want to trigger the Capture when the selector is present or when it is not present.

The Selector rule can also trigger a Capture when a specified CSS Selector either contains or does not contain a certain value.

Gleam interface showing capture selector rule with 1 selector

You can incorporate multiple selectors into your rule. You can have Captures trigger when any of the selector elements are present using the OR function.

Gleam interface showing capture selector rule with multiple selectors

Or you can require all of the selector elements to be present for a Capture to trigger with the AND function.

Gleam interface showing capture selector rule with multiple selectors

You can learn more about how you can use the Selector rule by clicking here.

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Visitor behavioural rules allow you to display Gleam Captures based on how often a visitor has interacted with your website.