Common Reporting Terms

Before we jump into the Reporting it's important to understand some of the terminology used so you can make sense of things.

  • Impressions: This is a count of the individual number of times a user has viewed the campaign. It will only count 1 view per user per 24 hours
  • Actions: Actions are individual entry methods inside your campaign, when one is completed we consider it as an Action completed
  • Entries: Actions can have a value of more than 1, this means that Entries equate to Actions complete x Entry Worth.
  • Users: The number of unique users that have entered your campaign
  • Conversion Rate: This is the percentage of users that have entered your campaign after viewing it (the platform average is ~34%)
  • Events: These are optional metrics outside what you're directly incentivizing in the campaign (i.e. Facebook Likes)

See Next Article

Reporting Tab

The Reporting tab offers a visual representation of your campaign from the start to the end. You can also use the date range dropdown at the top right of the report to refine the range of the graph for closer analysis.