Custom Fields

Gleam has the ability to capture additional information from your users via Custom Fields when entering a contest or redeeming a reward. These custom fields are incredibly flexible & powerful, they are currently available to customers on the Business plan.

Applications that support Custom Fields:

We have a number of preset fields that you can add by clicking the Add Field button. You can also drag and drop the fields to change the ordering (which includes dragging above the Full Name and Email field).

Gleam interface showing fields with add field button and fields being dragged and dropped
Preset Field Description
Address Ask users to submit their address address field
Phone Ask users to submit their phone number phone number field
Zip Ask US or Canadian users to submit their Zip code zip code field
Postcode Ask users to submit their Postcode postcode field
Terms & Conditions Require users to agree to the widget terms and conditions. You can also link to an external terms and conditions (on your own site) terms & conditions field
State Allow users to enter their state. Has prefilled states for US, UK, Canada & Australia state field
Country Ask users to enter their country from a dropdown country field
Title Ask users for their job title job title field
Company Ask users for their company name company field
Question Ask a question from users before they signup. For example How did you hear about us? question field
Separator This option allows you to split your fields across multiple screens. Good if your data spans different categories or themes. separator field

You can also add your own complete custom fields which opens up endless possibilities for data collection.

Custom Field Types Description
String string field
Small small field
Large large field
Text text field
Date of Birth date of birth field
Checkbox checkbox field
Select select field
Large Select large select field
Country country field

Inside each custom field you have a number of options that can be configured.

Custom Field Options Description
Label This is the label on the field, normally describes to the user what you want to capture. label fields
Placeholder Each form element can have placeholder instructions inside it. placeholder field
Hint A hint will appear below the label to give additional information to users. Field for Loyalty card number showing Displayed on the back of the card in green as a hint underneath
Instructions Allows you to add some instructions before the field. Instructions field
Instructions After Allows you to add some instructions after the field. instructions after field
Options Allows you to have multiple options for Select or Large Select fields. options field
Default This will automatically default to one of the Options. default field
Dependent This allows you to make one list that is dependent on another. It'll stay hidden until the first list has been selected. dependent field
Pattern Pattern allows you to use REGEX patterns to validate the input on the field. This should only be used by users that are able to write regular expressions.
Required Required is always on by default for each field. It requires that a particular field is complete before allowing the user to continue. You can turn this off with this checkbox. required field
Max length Specify a maximum number of characters for a field.

It is also possible to show the custom fields first, by forcing "Login First" with email only or by making a single action mandatory.

Login First Field

Below is an example contest with all the different types of custom fields setup that we support.

See Next Article

Custom Field Mapping + Sync

On Business plans and above we offer the ability to map any Custom Fields that you've added to your campaigns to matching fields on your connected email marketing provider.