Custom SMTP
Premium users have the ability to send emails that go out from the Gleam platform via their own SMTP provider such as SendGrid or Mailgun.
Applications that support Custom SMTP:
- Competitions
- Rewards
Custom SMTP is configured at the global Site level. You can find Custom SMTP settings under Site Settings > Advanced > Custom SMTP
You can configure:
- SMTP Address
- From Domain
- Username
- Password
- Authentication
- From Address
- Reply-to Address
Most of these settings will be supplied by your email provider once you set up an SMTP user.
Custom SMTP will replace any emails that Gleam sends with your own provider. This includes:
- Competition Post Entry Emails
- Competition Subscriber Emails
- Rewards Post Redeem Emails
See Next Article
Embed Domain Whitelist
Enter a list of approved domains where your Competition or Reward campaigns can be embedded.