Zapier Integration

Gleam integrates directly with Zapier, allowing you to send Subscriber data to any of Zapier's supported apps.

You can enable Zapier Integration on the Pro plan & above.

You must have a Subscribe to Newsletter action in your campaign for Zapier to sync. This is the only action we support currently.

To add the integration to your Subscribe to Newsletter action, select 'Add Email Integration' when setting up your Competition.

Gleam interface with Subscribe to Newsletter action and Zapier connected

Gleam automatically generates Auth Key for Zapier. You need to copy it, save integration, and paste it into API Key field when creating a Zap.

As we get more users using Zapier no doubt there will be more Zap templates for you to use. This guide shows you how to create a basic Zap that will send Subscriber data to Mailchimp.

Click the 'Make a Zap!' button on the Zapier Dashboard.

Create a new Zap from the Zapier Dashboard

Choose the app from the 'Choose a Trigger App' dropdown.

Choose '' as your Trigger App

Choose your Trigger, the only one available currently is 'New Subscriber' which triggers when someone completes the Subscribe action.

Select 'New Subscriber' trigger in Zapier

Click 'Connect New Account' to connect Zapier to Gleam.

Click 'Connect New Account' to connect Zapier to Gleam

Go to the Subscribe action on your campaign and grab the Gleam Auth Key for Zapier.

Enter your Gleam Auth Key into Zapier

Choose your Site with the Zapier integration enabled then choose your campaign. The Campaign must have a Subscribe action added to it.

Pick a Gleam Site that has a Campaign with Subscribe Action enabled on Zapier

In this step you can either test the Integration or choose to Skip it. In order to test it you must have already sent a Test Subscribe via the Gleam campaign after enabling the Zapier integration.

Test your Zapier trigger by sending a test subscriber from Gleam

Now the fun starts, you can choose which app you'd like to send data to. In this case we're going to choose Mailchimp.

Choose Mailchimp as an Action app from the Zapier Dashboard

Choose the Mailchimp action that you want to use, in this example we're going to select 'Add/Update Subscriber'

Select a Mailchimp action from the Zapier dashboard

Next you need to match up the various Gleam fields with the Mailchimp fields.

Match up your Gleam fields with Mailchimp fields

Once you've done that you just need to test your Zap, give it a name then turn it on!

Name your Zap on the Zapier Dashboard

See Next Article

Zoho Integration

Zoho is a leading CRM platform used by businesses to stay closer to their customers. This integration allows you to send leads from any Gleam campaign into your Zoho account.