Subscribe Actions

This documentation covers the Subscribe to a Newsletter action. You can connect Gleam entrants to an email marketing integration after they complete the Subscribe action.

Apps that support Subscribe actions:

The Newsletter Subscribe action allows you to send email opt-ins from your campaigns directly to your email provider of choice.

This can be particularly useful to send special offers, followup emails or regular communication with your entrants. Gleam also allows you to send multiple subscriptions to multiple email providers from a single action.

This is the view you'll see when setting up the subscribe action. You can add multiple email providers to a single action, or you can create separate actions with email providers.

Admin view for Subscribe to a Newsletter action for

On the frontend when a user is engaging with a campaign the Subscribe action they will be prompted to complete the user details form. If they are already logged into the campaign, then the action will complete in a single click :)

You can extend the amount of information that you collect with this form using custom fields.

The Newsletter Description section allows you to add an additional description for your Subscribe action along with a Checkbox to opt-in.

This option is designed to help with GDPR compliance by helping users understand the content of each Subscribe action.

In order to test if emails successfully send to any of the mail providers above you need to do the following:

  • Have a competition created with a Subscribe action
  • Ensure that this action is linked to an existing list in the enabled provider
  • Enter the action manually from your competition dashboard
  • The action will become invalidated (since we automatically invalidate admin actions)
  • Go to the Actions tab for that competition, then make your action valid.
  • It should appear in with the provider within a few minutes

The Subscribe action is very flexible as you are free to followup communication with the entrant however you see fit.

Want to ensure that all of your competition entrants get sent to your list? Then make sure you setup a single mandatory subscribe action.

This won't work if you have more than 1 mandatory action. Must just be a single Subscribe action.

If you're an E-commerce store then you may consider offering a timed special offer to anyone that enters your competition. Simply send the subscribe action to your list & have an autoresponder setup to email the entrant.

Competitions follow-up email with E-commerce coupon code attached

If you decide to disable our post entry notification email then you also have the opportunity to send a thank-you for entering email to anyone that completes a Subscribe action.

Just note that not all entrants may complete this action, which means everyone might not receive your email.

Custom post-entry notification email by Gleam

See Next Article

Subscribe to Podcast Action

This documentation covers how Podcast actions work.