Creating a Reward

To create a Reward you will first need to add a site. Each site has access to our apps & you can switch between your sites using the site navigation dropdown in the left menu.

Create a Reward

Multiple sites have the following advantages: You can keep your data separated, ensure your campaigns are branded from that site & also allows you to have site specific integrations.

You'll need to use the following steps to create a Reward:

  1. Make sure you have selected the correct site
  2. Click on the Rewards tab in the left navigation
  3. You will need to be on a paid Rewards plan to start creating your Reward
  4. Click on the New Reward button on the top right

If you have a Competitions plan already you can add Rewards to your plan by upgrading to a Package.


When you are setting up a Rewards campaign Gleam will autosave your progress as a draft. If you exit your Rewards setup before you have successfully saved your campaign it will be saved as a draft so you don't lose your progress.

Your progress is automatically saved as a draft

If you want to exit your Rewards setup without saving your progress as a draft all you have to do is click the 'Cancel' button.

Accessing Your Rewards Drafts

You can easily find your drafts in your Rewards dashboard under Draft Rewards.

You can click a draft to continue editing the campaign, or click Discard to delete the draft.

Access campaign drafts from the dashboard

See Next Article


Our Coupons reward type allows you to run incentivised coupon offers on any page or as a button that sits across your site. It's designed to retain users, improve conversion rates and also drive actions that you care about.