Can I Pay for All Apps?

The Package plan is perfectly bundled into one subscription, which gives you access to all of our Apps at a heavily discounted price.

You certainly can! The Package plan includes all four of our apps bundled into one subscription, giving you access to the full platform at a discounted price.


Like our individual apps, the Package Plan comes in Pro, Business & Premium tiers. When you subscribe to the Pro Package, you'll get Pro features for all of our apps.

Other benefits for subscribing to a Package plan include:

You can instantly save 40% on the cost of your subscription. Bundling our apps together gives you a 40% discount compared to buying them separately. You can further lower the cost by committing to a Yearly plan, which will give you another 20% discount.

You can combine our apps to build even more powerful campaigns. For example, you can combine Competitions & Galleries to build high-quality photo contests, or use Capture to announce Competitions running on your website.

You can get double the limit for features like Number of Winners & Number of Repeat Actions.

Get an extra seat for a team member to manage your Gleam campaigns.

Consolidate your payments into one yearly bill to save accounting time.

  Get the Package Plan

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How Does Monthly Billing Work?

Learn how the monthly billing works.