How To Announce Additional Entries After a Campaign Has Launched

Introducing new entry methods in the middle of a campaign can help introduce more engagement to your campaign, and you can promote this update through social media or email.

Can I Edit A Current Competition?

You can modify your active Competitions to add or remove entry methods, change the campaign's end date and more.

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To attract users to your campaign again, you can introduce very simple to complete methods like the Bonus or Secret Code actions. When you announce actions that have a low barrier to entry, you're likely to attract more external traffic when you're promoting. Once visitors arrive at your campaign, chances are they will interact with the existing entry methods too.

When you introduce new entry methods to your campaign, the easiest way to promote is by announcing them on social media:

If you've included a Subscribe action at the beginning of your campaign, you can use your preferred email provider to send your existing contestants an email announcement.

Since you're promoting to an existing audience, you could introduce a Viral Share action so that your existing audience could refer more entrants to you.

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Can I Update Questions in My Live Competition Weekly?

You can easily modify your active Competitions to change what you are asking entrants with your Question actions. You can even export all your existing entries to easily track answers.