How To Get More Twitter / X Followers With Gleam

Learn how Gleam can help you get more followers on Twitter / X with this simple guide.

If you're looking to grow your Twitter / X community then it may be worth giving users some extra incentive to follow your account. By running a contest or giveaway with Gleam you'll be able to incentivise a host of actions including following you on Twitter / X.

Allowing users to enter your contest by following you is one of the easiest and most effective ways to grow your Twitter / X following. In the aftermath of such a campaign you may find yourself inundated with new followers, so make sure to post engaging content in the aftermath of your contest to prevent your new audience from dropping-off.

When running a contest on Twitter / X, you can also allow users to enter by retweeting one of your posts or tweeting a promotional post from their own account. Both of these actions are highly effective ways for you to grow your following and reach users who would have otherwise never been exposed to your brand.

These actions won't directly feed you followers, but they will allow you to gain exposure from a massive audience and put yourself in an excellent position to engage users and earn followers the old-fashioned way.

Another great way to grow your Twitter / X following using contests is by incentivising the use of a branded hashtag.

You can allow users to enter your contest by tweeting a particular hashtag, which is a great idea if you have a branded hashtag that you're trying to get off the ground.

Much like the Tweet and Retweet actions, prompting users to tweet your chosen hashtag may not instantly net you many followers. What it will do is generate awareness, disseminate a wealth of branded content and ultimately expose your Twitter / X profile to hordes of potential fans.

If you like the idea of using contests to spread a branded hashtag then you should seriously consider taking it a step further and accepting hashtagged images as contest submissions.

This tactic will allow you to procure massive amounts of high-value user content which you can freely use in your own marketing material.

Gleam even allows you to set up a Gallery which will link with your contest and automatically display submissions.

A hashtag sourced Gallery will instantly add a level of engagement to your on-site content, give your brand more of a community atmosphere and promote your Twitter / X profile to website visitors.

Gleam Competitions allow you to redirect users who have completed every action in your contest to a specified URL.

Enable 'Post Entry Redirect' from your Gleam campaign

You can use Post Entry Redirect to send contest entrants right to your Twitter / X feed. Users who have completed your contest should be primed to follow you, so as long as your feed is filled with up-to-date engaging content you should have no issue converting these redirected page visitors into followers.


Ahron Burstin

Ahron is a Growth Marketer at Gleam. Shoot him a Tweet if you got something out of this post ☺