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Book Recommendation Giveaway

Promote your book with trustworthy and powerful word-of-mouth recommendations.

When promoting a book, gathering trustworthy and reliable recommendations from readers is an invaluable marketing strategy. They're more persuasive and convincing than standard ads from the seller, and are more likely to motivate readers to take a chance and buy your book.

With this simple and customizable giveaway template from Gleam, all you need to do is set up the template, offer an awesome prize, and then spread the word.

The idea of this giveaway is to allow readers to earn chances to win by recommending your book on social media and submitting their post to your campaign.

Hosting a giveaway is a brilliant strategy to encourage people to share your book with their networks, including friends, family, and followers. It amplifies your book’s visibility and reach through trusted recommendations.


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Book Recommendation Giveaway

Book Recommendation Giveaway

Promote your book with trustworthy and powerful word-of-mouth recommendations.

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