Simple Trick to Increase YouTube Subscribers by 400%

If you have a YouTube channel you should be using this everytime you link to it.

Here at Gleam we’re always on the lookout for ways to help users grow the metrics that are important to them. YouTube is one of my favourite social networks, I personally think it has a long way to grow & really has a perfect model – content creators get paid to create awesome content.

The easiest way to get that content in front of more users is to either build an email list or grow the number of users that are subscribed to your channel.

YouTube Channel Homepage

This is what a typical YouTube channel or user page looks like when someone visits. Notice the subscribe button tucked away up in the top right corner.

YouTube Channel Confirm Subscription Prompt

Now this is the exact same subscribe page, with a slight difference. We’re sending users to this page using the following URL:

This small parameter at the end of your URL will show this popup to prompt your users to subscribe to your channel. On average this will improve your subscribe rate by over 400%.

This particular trick will only work on user pages or subscribe pages. So make sure you add it to any links on your website, when you share on social media or when you mention your YouTube channel in emails.

Another incredibly effective way to grow your YouTube audience and increase subscriptions is by running promotional giveaways with Gleam.

All you have to do is give away a prize you think your viewers will love and start driving meaningful user action. Take a look at this template to see what your campaign could look like:

  Learn More   Use This Template

Our platform is trusted by over 600k businesses around the world. We do the hard work so you can do what you do best, run amazing YouTube campaigns for your fans or customers.

Ready To Run Your Own YouTube Contest?

Check out our documentation on setting up your own Competition or get started right away!


Stuart McKeown

Stuart McKeown is one of the Co-founders at Gleam. Aside from writing and helping businesses grow, he also enjoys sound design and drinking tea ☕️