9 Ways To Grow Your Email List With Gleam

Get your hands on these 9 actionable ways to grow your email list with Gleam. Get started in just 5 minutes.

Getting more people to sign up for your email list doesn’t have to be a struggle.

With the right approach, you can turn visitors into subscribers using contests, incentives, and smart opt-ins.

This guide will walk you through different ways to grow your list and keep your audience engaged:

What does your typical email signup form or survey convert at? Usually anywhere between 0.5 👉 5% is a good benchmark. What if I told you that with the right incentive you could increase this to 30% or higher with contests?

Contests give you more power over a typical signup form and allow you to incentivise various actions that are important to your Business.

Why just get an email address when you could get feedback from the customer, or get them to watch a YouTube video of your latest product release?

With Gleam you can use our Subscribe action to automatically send users to over 30+ email providers in an instant, all whilst engaging your users and growing your email list.

Try it out below, this contest entry will automatically Sync to our mail provider of choice (in this case we use Sendy).

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Competitions also open up the ability to ask users to refer their friends, classmates or workmates to enter too. This extra incentive can create a viral loop for your email signup action, getting you more qualified signups from similar audiences (after all, friends are most likely to invite other friends who they think will show interest).

Try out this improved contest below, after a user joins the Newsletter they will then be prompted to refer friends (for extra entries).

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One of the fundamental principles of growing an email list is to actually make it available for people to signup. This is especially true if you run an E-commerce store or a any other type of site that generates leads.

Gleam Capture gives you the flexibility to show your opt-in forms based on user behaviour, so instead of users finding your opt-in form buried on the site somewhere - our opt-in form finds them.

What's more you can easily encourage your users to signup by offering them a discount or a coupon code that can be used instantly. These types of opt-in forms can convert at anywhere up to 20%. A huge increase on traditional methods.

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Following on from the previous example you can choose when you want to show your opt-in form to users. Quite often you'll notice that retailers love to show you it as soon as you enter the site.

Our behavioural rules make it easy for you to setup when you want to show your opt-in form to users, you can delay it, wait until the user has showed a certain level of engagement or even show specific opt-ins depending on where the user is navigating on your site.

Doing this allows you to be much more targeted with your message, helps you improve conversion rates and overall makes your message more relevant for the user which = more sales!

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The alternative to showing offers to users when they first hit your site is to do the complete opposite - show them as the user is about to leave. The psychology behind both of these techniques is subtly different, but at the same time very powerful.

A user leaving your site is signalling that there's something that has prevented them from making a purchase. Using an exit offer is your second chance to change the users mind and convince them to purchase.

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If you advertise on Facebook, or run promotions with partners there's nothing better than providing a personalised message when visitors come to your site.

Gleam gives you the ability to trigger opt-ins when users come from a partner, have a specific source tracking code in the URL or even if they come from a specific ad campaign (Adwords / Facebook etc). This gives you huge control to tweak your copy and also increase the potential ROI of your campaigns by capturing more leads.

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If you have educational content or resources like videos, ebooks, downloads or pdfs then it usually doesn't make sense to give them away for free.

Using Gleam you can create content gates that require users to provide their email address before being able to access the additional content, then you can simply redirect the user on completion.

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Our Capture bar allows you to have a message pinned to the top of any page on your site. You can use it to drive general mailing list signups or even use it to build announcements.

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We use this option extensively to announce new feature to our customers in the Gleam backend, it's an incredibly powerful and flexible way to draw attention to a call to action. Plus it looks great once you tweak the colour scheme to fit your site.

One of the fundamental principles of growing an email list is to actually make it available for people to signup. This is especially true if you run an E-commerce store or an informational website.

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So, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to growing an email list, but using contests, referral programs, and well-timed opt-ins can make a huge difference.

Experiment with our different strategies, track what works, and keep refining your approach to maximise signups.

Good luck!


Helena Ng

Helena is a Growth Marketer at Gleam. Leave her a nice comment below if you got something out of this post ☺