
By default we add two exclude rules to newly created Captures. You can remove these, but they are there to ensure you don't potentially annoy visitors with Captures that keep showing all the time.

Gleam interface showing capture rules with exclude existing subscribers action

The Existing Subscriber rule ensures that if someone has completed this Capture or any other Capture on your site that it won't trigger for them again. Please note, this only works for subscribers that we are aware of, not previous subscribers before you started using Capture.

Gleam interface showing capture rules with exclude users who have closed capture action

The Closed Capture rule sets a cookie that prevents the capture opening for users again if they have purposely closed it.

Gleam interface showing capture rules with exclude users who have visited URL action

This rule prevents a Capture from showing if a user has previously visited a specific URL on your website.


Capture must have been installed, this will not work for users that have visited specific URL's before you started using Capture

See Next Article


Behavioural Triggers allow you to display Gleam Captures based on how users are interacting with your website.