Archiving Entries

Archive entries allows you to simply pick your winners each week, then archive all the entries for that content. Which means you essentially start fresh again (whilst still keeping the old data in the actions tab).

There may be times when you need to run ongoing competitions that end at regular intervals, for example if you run a weekly competition.

Let's say you had a competition running for an entire year with weekly winners then 10 grand prizes at the end.

  • Prizes: You would need to add 61 total prizes, weekly for 51 weeks then 10 prizes on the final draw.
  • Date Range: Set the end date for the competition to the final draw date.

Each week you can then choose your winner & archive the existing entries. Essentially starting the contest again.

This functionality means that you wouldn't have to keep recreating the contest every week.

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How Do I Deal With People Cheating?

Gleam has a number of ways to protect you from users cheating in your competitions. We have worked hard to ensure that this process should involve as little manual intervention as possible, however it depends on how thorough you want to be in checking entries.