Import Tab

Adding Import sources to your Gallery is how you populate it with media and other items that the Gallery displays. There are two main ways to import items into your Gallery: Importing or Manually Adding Items.

Campaign Import

Gallery can be used alongside both Competitions and Rewards to display media collected from those campaigns.

Select a Competitions or Rewards campaign to import media from

Multi-Campaign Import

On Business plan you can import from multiple campaigns at once, this is useful if you're running multiple campaigns and you need them to feed into the one Gallery.

Import Gallery media from multiple Gleam campaigns

Linking a campaign enables the Campaign Button option in the Header tab which allows users to enter the campaign from within the Gallery.

Import Sources

Gallery offers a wide range of sources for you to import media from, for more details on each individual source click below to view those specific docs.

Import sources available for Gleam Gallery

Manually Add Items

Once you have created your Gallery you will also be able to manually add items from Twitter or YouTube.

All you need to do is click the "Add Item" button and add the URL of the Twitter or YouTube item you want to add to your Gallery.

Enter your media URL in the Add Item modal

See Next Article

Voting Tab

Enable the Voting feature on Gleam Galleries to allow visitors to vote for their favourite media items. This feature allows you to run voting contests where the most popular submission wins.