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Fitness Referral Leaderboard

Incentivise users to refer friends by creating a competition where the person with the most referrals wins an awesome prize.

Running a giveaway where the person who refers the most people wins is a fantastic way to tap into people's competitive spirit and motivate them to promote your brand.

It’s an excellent way to boost your visibility and reach through word-of-mouth marketing, as your customers are essentially personally endorsing your brand to their friends.

This approach is a lot more effective than traditional advertising, as obviously people tend to trust recommendations from friends more than direct advertisements from a brand.

Make it even more enticing by offering an amazing prize that will get people excited to participate.

Plus, with an easy entry process like this, more people will be eager to join in.

All you need to do is customise this template and promote it across all your channels!


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Fitness Referral Leaderboard

Fitness Referral Leaderboard

Incentivise users to refer friends by creating a competition where the person with the most referrals wins an awesome prize.

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