LinkedIn Actions

This documentation covers the actions that we support via LinkedIn.

Applications that support LinkedIn actions:

Gleam supports the ability to ask users to follow a company on LinkedIn. Since there's no API to verify the follow we rely on users clicking the Follow button as a verification step.

Admin view for Follow on LinkedIn Action on Gleam

Gleam supports the ability to ask users to share an Article on LinkedIn. We use callbacks to determine when the share is successful.

By default, the LinkedIn post will attach a link to the current campaign URL. If you want the shared LinkedIn post to link elsewhere, you can select Use Custom URL.

You can include a description in the Instructions field to let users know what to include in their share text. To help users understand what you need, you can create an example of the share text in the Placeholder field.

Admin view for Share on LinkedIn Action for Gleam

You can use these actions to grow your LinkedIn by using this template:

  view template

See Next Article

Loyalty Bonus Action

This documentation covers how Loyalty Bonus actions work. You can give out bonus entries to previous entrants who have entered campaigns on the same site.