Gallery Templates

Gleam Gallery subscribers can access a huge selection of pre-built Gallery templates.

These templates are perfect for exploring all the ways you can use Gleam Galleries. You can access a wide-range of Gallery widgets including social media walls, user-generated content displays, social feeds, hashtag campaigns and so much more.

If you want to create a Gallery using our templates, all you need to do is select New GalleryStart From Template.

Using Gleam Gallery Templates

You can then browse all our templates through the list of categories. You can also search for a template using the search bar.

Gleam Gallery Template Library
Unlocking Gleam Gallery Template

If you choose a template that includes Gallery features that are not available on your current plan, you will be given two options to proceed:

Once you have chosen a template you will be taken to the Gallery setup form.

After selecting your template you may want to:

If you don't have an active Gallery plan, you can create a draft Gallery and keep it for up to 3 days before subscribing to a Gallery plan and publishing your Gallery.

To try a template, all you need to do is select the Gallery you want to use and select 'Try Free For 72 Hours'.

Gleam gallery Template Trials

You can then customize your Gallery. When you save your Gallery you will be told what plan is required to unlock and publish your Gallery.

You will then be able to:

  1. Subscribe to a plan to publish your Gallery.
  2. Save your Gallery as a draft for up to 72 hours.
Saving Trial Gallery Templates As A Draft

After trying a Gallery template you can choose to save it as a draft for up to 72 hours.

This gives you the chance to preview your Gallery and subscribe to a plan when you're ready.

When you are ready to publish your Gallery all you need to do is click Subscribe Now on your Galleries' Preview page and subscribe to the required plan. Your Gallery will then be ready to publish.

Testing Gleam Galleries with Drafts

Any locked drafts you created will appear under Draft Galleries on your Gallery listing page.

From this listing, you can:

  • Edit your Gallery
  • Subscribe to a Gallery plan
  • Discard your draft
Locked Draft on Gallery Listing Page

If you don't have an active Gallery plan, you can also create trial Galleries from scratch by selecting Try Galleries on the Gallery template screen.

This allows you to build your own Gallery from scratch with all the incredible import sources and design features we offer and subscribe to a paid plan to publish your Gallery when you are ready.