Campaign Monitor Integration

Gleam allows you to send subscribers directly from any Competition or Reward straight into a list within Campaign Monitor. This is extremely useful for a number of reasons:

  • Saves you time & effort exporting then importing
  • Allow you to instantly followup with a special offer or coupon

You can enable Campaign Monitor Integration on the Pro plan & above. Simply navigate to Settings > Integrations then turn on Campaign Monitor.

Gleam interface showing campaign monitor on and connect your account

You will first need to connect your account by logging in with your Campaign Monitor username & password.

Gleam interface showing campaign monitor on and connected

Then name a default list you want Gleam to send users to. This list must exist in Campaign Monitor first otherwise we won't have anywhere to send emails.

We support the syncing of Custom Fields for Campaign Monitor through our Custom Field Sync feature, you can set this up via the Custom Field Mapping button when setting up the integration.

When using Custom Field Sync for multi-valued select many fields, you can pass through multiple values by using a Custom Value, and separating each value with a pair of pipes ("||").

Gleam interface with Custom Field Sync for multi-valued select many fields

Note that when updating multi-valued select many fields on Campaign Monitor, all historically selected options will be replaced with what’s included in your Custom Value. If you do not wish to replace the existing value(s) in a multi-valued select many field, you can leave the field blank.

In order to send users to a list you must use the Subscribe action type.

Simply enter in the name of the corresponding list in Campaign Monitor you want to send users to.

Gleam interface with subscribe to newsletter action and campaign monitor connected

In order to test if emails successfully send to Campaign Monitor you need to do the following:

  • Have a competition created with a Subscribe action
  • Ensure that this action is linked to an existing list in Campaign Monitor
  • Enter the action manually from your competition dashboard
  • The action will become invalidated (since we automatically invalidate admin actions)
  • Go to the Actions tab for that competition, then make your action valid
  • It should appear in Campaign Monitor within a few minutes
  • It can take a few minutes
  • Did they perform an 'Email subscribe' action? Only Email subscription actions are sent to Campaign Monitor automatically.
  • Are you checking the correct list? Check your settings for your campaign first then if nothing is set check your site settings.
  • Do you have other required fields that we're not sending? i.e. First Name / Last Name or address, this will cause the integration to fail.
  • Do an CSV export of your campaign (from the Actions tab), edit it, and then import in to Campaign Monitor

See Next Article

Campaigner Integration

With this integration you can connect our Subscribe to Newsletter action type to your Campaigner account to send leads over to any specified list in real-time.