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Linktree Coupons

Drive action from Linktree by giving e-commerce coupons to users who complete promotional actions.

With this template you can promote your e-commerce store and drive sales directly from your Linktree.

Showcase your coupon campaign on Linktree and send interested users to your campaign landing page where they can instantly complete actions including email signups, social media follows and more to unlock valuable discount codes.

This is an outstanding way to not only incentivise meaningful actions, but also give out coupon codes that will help you boost sales.

All you have to do is add your Gleam campaign to your Linktree using our integration and you will be able to instantly showcase and drive traffic to your coupon campaign.


Remember, you can require users to complete as many actions as you want before unlocking your coupon, and you can make certain actions mandatory if they are extra important to you.

Linktree E-Commerce Coupon Template on Linktree


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Running a Rewards campaign from your Linktree is incredibly easy.

All you have to do is customize your campaign and add it to your Linktree by navigating to your campaign's Promote tab and selecting Add This to My Linktree.

Add Reward to Linktree From Promote Tab

You will then be prompted to login to your Linktree account. Once you have done this your Rewards campaign will be added to your Linktree where you can customize the link.

Add Gleam Rewards to Linktree

➡ Learn More About Adding Rewards to Linktree

Linktree Coupons

Linktree Coupons

Drive action from Linktree by giving e-commerce coupons to users who complete promotional actions.

Run Amazing Linktree Promotions

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