How To Promote Your Black Friday Sales With Gleam

Promote your deals and drive more sales this Black Friday with Gleam.

There isn't a busier time in e-commerce than Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the surrounding days and weeks. Every year, businesses of all kinds offer massive discounts and shoppers flood online and into stores for the deals.

Black Friday is the perfect time to offer up awesome discounts and drive sales. Just remember that any discounts you offer will be competing for attention with just about everyone else.

To maximise the success of your Black Friday sale to need to find ways to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of your target market.

Notifying your mailing list and spreading the word on social media is a solid starting point, but with the help of Gleam you can create highly engaging and incredibly effective promotions that will help you grab people's attention, drive traffic to your store and generate conversions.

Let's take a look at a few of the best ways you can use Gleam to boost sales this Black Friday.

With Gleam's Competitions app you can create and customise powerful contests and giveaways where users can complete designated actions for a chance to win a prize.

Giving away an awesome prize is a perfect way to capture the attention of an audience on the hunt for the best deals, make your Black Friday deals stand out from the pack and kickstart engaging customer interactions.

Plus, with Gleam's powerful selection of entry methods you can use your giveaways to drive an array of actions that will help you promote your Black Friday deals and generate sales.

Take a look at this demo to see what your own Black Friday giveaway could look like:

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You can run Gleam giveaways anywhere on your own site or our stylish hosted landing pages and drive traffic from email, social media and all your other promotional channels.

Running this type of giveaway will help you promote your Black Friday sale in a number of ways:

The prospect of winning an awesome free prize will capture the attention of your target audience, instantly engage them, and put you in a perfect position to drive highly targeted traffic right to your Black Friday sale.

With Gleam, there are several effective ways you can use a giveaway to drive traffic right to your deals:

  • Use our Visit Action to award entries to users who visit your sale's landing page.
  • Include a link to your sale in your giveaway's description.
  • Use out Redirect feature to automatically take entrants to your sale.

As well as being great for attracting attention and promoting your deals, giveaways can also help you directly incentivise sales.

You can distribute a special entry code to Black Friday customers and use our Secret Code Action to award entries to your customers.

When you take this approach you should offer a massive amount of entries to customers with your secret code to make purchases even more enticing.

One of the most powerful actions you can drive with Gleam are social referrals using our Viral Share Action.

Gleam Viral Share Action

With Viral Shares you can award entries to successfully refer their friends to your campaign. This is an incredibly effective way to spread the word about your sale and connect with users you would have otherwise struggled to reach.

Giveaways are a sure-fire way to drum up excitement, expand your reach, and promote your Black Friday deals. Spreading the word about your sale will help you drive traffic to your store and generate sales, but if you really want to maximise the purchases you're driving from your giveaway you should consider giving out exclusive discounts to people who enter your giveaway.

With Gleam's Coupon Action you can easily distribute coupon codes to users which they can easily use to get additional discounts at your Black Friday sale which is an outstanding way to convert giveaway entrants into customers.

With Gleam's Capture app you can also create and customise pop-ups and opt-in forms that will allow you to offer extra discounts to users before they leave your site or abandon their shopping cart.

Taking your Black Friday deals to the next level and offering additional discounts with attention grabbing exit-intent popups is a brilliant way to spring extra discounts on users before they leave your site to drive sales from users you would have otherwise lost.

Offer Exit-Intent Coupons With Gleam Capture

You can even get users to sign-up to your mailing list to access your additional discount so you can not only distribute discount codes and drive sales, but also grow your mailing list which will help you retain users and give your future promotional efforts a major leg up.

Don't forget, Christmas is right around the corner and having a bolstered mailing list can pay dividends.

When users come to your site to check out your Black Friday deals you want to do everything you can to make purchases as enticing as possible.

Your actual discounts will do a lot of the heavy lifting in this area, but one of the best ways you can give people the extra motivation they may need to convert is adding a countdown timer to your website to remind people that they have to act now if they want to get in on the savings.

Offer Limited Time Offers With Gleam Countdown Capture Bars

With Gleam's Capture app you can create stylish countdown bars that can run across the top of your site and provide visitors with a sense of urgency that will encourage them to act immediately and make a purchase, or you can take things a step

If you have a dedicated page set up on your website for Black Friday deals then you can even use your countdown to drive traffic right to it.

Start Driving Sales With Capture

Check out Gleam's Capture app and create your own powerful popups and notifications!

People are generally pretty willing to put in a little bit of effort to get their hands on a good discount, and with Gleam's Rewards app you can gamify your Black Friday sales and offer bigger and bigger discounts to users who complete more actions.

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By creating a tiered reward campaign you won't only be able to drive sales from the awesome discounts you offer, but also drive an array of other valuable actions including email sign-ups, and social media follows as well as tweets and retweets that will help you get more eyes on your Black Friday deals.

Run Your Own Rewards Campaign

Check out our Rewards app and start using your sales to drive meaningful actions!

Offering Black Friday discounts is an undeniably effective way to drive sales, but just like with any other purchase you'll need to engage potential customers and get them excited about your products.

One of the best ways you can do this is by showcasing customer photos on your website with Gleam's Galleries app.

User-generated content is authentic, trustworthy, highly engaging and brilliant for giving potential customers the confidence they need to take the plunge.

With Gleam you can show off customer photos in full page galleries, or you can use our sleek carousels to showcase them right on your Black Friday sales pages.

You can collect awesome customer photos through social media #hashtags and @mentions and encourage customers to share these photos by running hashtag campaigns or photo contests.

Create Your Own Galleries

Create your own customer galleries and drive massive onsite engagement!


Ahron Burstin

Ahron is a Growth Marketer at Gleam. Shoot him a Tweet if you got something out of this post ☺