November 23, 2017

Include + Exclude Locations

You can now choose whether you want to include or exclude countries in the Allowed Locations section of campaign setup.

Target entrants by country using our new Allowed Locations filter

You can only use one at a time, so either exclude countries or include countries.


November 10, 2017

Twitter / X Actions

Twitter / X actions now support up to 280 characters (instead of the previous 140 limit).

October 19, 2017

Rewards Improvements

Today we rolled out a few small improvements for Rewards:

  • Restricting number of claims to a unique IP address
  • The Promote Action now works with Rewards, so you can have a Promote action in a Competition that awards entries only when a Reward is fully claimed (i.e. a Coupon code or something similar)

October 9, 2017

User Details / Custom Fields Improvements

We've pushed out some nice updates to the Custom Fields functionality on the User Details tab of your campaigns.

You can now:

  • Ask users to submit a URL (and it'll validate)
  • Question now has a placeholder and a max word count limit
  • State Dropdowns now allow you to add an Other option which defaults to a freeform input
  • The Other option has also been added to Select + Large Select Custom Field types
  • New: Radio Button Custom Field type
  • New: Multi Checkbox Custom Field type
  • New: Text Block Custom Field type
  • Option to Autotick checkboxes
  • Improved spacing of form fields on mobile devices
Improved Custom Fields for the User Details form in Gleam widget

September 28, 2017

Facebook Open Graph + Viral Share Notice

Facebook made a change recently that now prevents publishers from directly modifying Link Previews. We used to be able to pass through all of the Viral Share data (Title, Description, Image) so that when shared, your link preview looked consistent whether the user was sharing the Gleam Hosted Landing Page, or your own Landing Page.

With this change we are no longer able to edit Previews when a user Viral Shares from your own landing page (i.e. if the widget is embedded on a landing page or blog post). Instead Facebook will show the Open Graph tags associated with your page.

If you're using the Gleam Hosted Landing Page then you do not need to worry about this.

We now provide your Open Graph tags on the Code/Install tab of the campaign for you to add to any landing pages you are installing a Gleam campaign on.

Open Graph tags are now automatically generated for Gleam campaigns

You can also debug how your campaign will look when shared by putting your Landing Page into the Facbeook Debugger.

Facebook crawls these tags periodically so if you make changes you will need to use the Scrape Again option in the Debugger to refresh them.