December 22, 2014

Silverpop Integration

New email provider added: Silverpop

Silverpop will work will all existing apps, including Capture.


December 16, 2014

Highrise Integration

New CRM provider added: Highrise

Highrise will work will all existing apps, including Capture.


December 15, 2014

Sendy Integration

New email provider added: Sendy

Sendy will work will all existing apps, including Capture.


December 12, 2014

ExactTarget Integration

New email provider added: ExactTarget

ExactTarget will work will all existing apps, including Capture.


December 8, 2014

Twitter / X Entry Fallbacks

Some of the verification that we use for Tweets do not work in some native apps (ironically the Twitter / X App), we also have never catered for people that Tweeted outside our widget but still wanted to claim their entries.

Now users can input the URL of a Tweet into the action, this will appear in your Details column for verification.

Manual Tweet Entry URL fallback for

This is currently enabled for the Tweet & Hashtag Twitter / X action methods.